Procurement Logistic Services
Where is the MTSU Procurement Services Office located?
The MTSU Purchasing Office is located at 1672 Greenland Drive on the MTSU campus in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Please see the location page for an area map and driving directions.
How can I find a contract for a particular product or service?
Check the contracts page to see if MTSU has a contract on the product or service and visit the State of Tennessee Purchasing page and search for the product or service to find existing state bids.
When is it okay to purchase an item without going out for bid?
Please view the Guidelines for MTSU Purchasers for information on this topic. Also see information on using the MTSU Purchasing Card.
Contact Us
MTSU Procurement Logistic Services
1301 East Main Street, MTSU Box 0018, Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Department Phone: (615) 898-2944