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Procurement Logistic Services


We have attempted to provide easy access to contracts for each MTSU department, TBR/UT contracts and State of Tennessee contracts.

** MT$ource Contract Database**
MTSU Departmental Contracts can now be accessed through MT$ource by logging into PipelineMT.

Please note that any contract bid and awarded for an MTSU department, may ONLY be used by that department. However, if a departmental contract was competitively bid and the contract vendor is willing to allow other MTSU departments to use the contract pricing, Procurement Services will allow the contract to be used by more than one MTSU department.

PLEASE NOTE: These contracts may be used by any MTSU department. This section contains MTSU University contracts, links to TBR/UT contracts, Cooperative, and State of Tennessee contracts.

Contracts that are established for more than one year, commonly referred to as multi-year contracts, are now searchable on the MT$ource application. Departments may now search contracts that are expiring and need to be renewed for the next contract period.

To get MTSU discounted pricing on Dell computers, logon to MT$ource and click the Punchout for Dell.

State of Tennessee Contracts Direct link to the State of Tennessee’s active statewide contracts.

TBR/UT Contracts
The following are direct links to the various TBR/UT institution’s list of university contracts.

Consortium Contract Links are located on MT$ource

Omnia Partners (Formally US Communities, National IP, and TCPN)
MTSU Purchasing guidelines apply–If there is a State of Tennessee Contract with lower prices then use the State Contract.
If not, then you may use the US Communities contracts along with other contracts listed above.

E & I Cooperative Services
MTSU Purchasing guidelines apply–If there is a State of Tennessee Contract with lower prices then use the State Contract.
If not, then you may use select E&I Cooperative contracts along with other  contracts listed above.

Sourcewell Cooperative (formerly NJPA)
MTSU Purchasing guidelines apply–If there is a State of Tennessee Contract with lower prices then use the State Contract.
If not, then you may use the NJPA contracts along with other contracts listed above.

Visit Vendor Links Below for Employee Personal Purchases


ID: SS41699985

Enterprise/National Personal Car Rentals

Enterprise/National Business Car Rentals

Contact Us

MTSU Procurement Logistic Services
1301 East Main Street, MTSU Box 0018, Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Department Phone: (615) 898-2944